
Perkswall Integration Page

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Managing your Perkswall settings just got easier with the "Perkswall Integration Page" in your dashboard. From this page, you have full control over your Perkswall settings, including advanced options. Additionally, you can preview how your Perkswall will appear on both mobile and desktop views and much more.


Accessing the Perkswall Integration Page is simple, just by clicking here or navigate from your dashboard by following these steps:

  1. Click on "Integration" in the left sidebar of the dashboard.
  2. Then, click on "Perkswall".

You'll now find yourself on the Perkswall Integration Page, where you can begin customizing your Perkswall to suit your needs.

Settings List

Quick Settings List

Setting Name

Default Value


Auto Show


When enabled, more Offers are automatically loaded as the user scrolls down the page. When disabled, a "Show more" button appears at the end of the page to manually load more Offers.

Show Logo


When enabled, your logo will be displayed in the header of the Perkswall. It's worth noting that you can set this logo itself in the "Add Logo" section in the "Perkswall Integration" page or from the configuration settings within the Adspostx publisher dashboard.

Show Image


When enabled, it displays each Offer's image in the Perkswall.

Add Logo


You can use the "Add Logo" settings to upload an image that represents your logo. This image can be in PNG, JPG, or GIF format, and the file size must not exceed 10 MB. It's important to note that this logo can be utilized for your Perkswall or any other future products.

Perkswall Logo URL


This specifies the URL for the Perkswall logo. It serves as a hyperlink to the publisher's website when clicked on the logo.

Show Header


When enabled, it displays text in the header of Perkswall. You can specify this text in the "Header Text" settings.

3D Tiles


Displays a 3D look for tiles when enabled.

Offer Count


Represents the initial number of Offers to display when the Perkswall is loaded.

Header Text

"You unlocked more exclusive offers."

Customizable text which is displayed in the Perkswall header.

Advanced Settings List

Setting Name

Default Value


Logo Width


By default, the width is set to "auto," meaning it adjusts automatically. You can set your logo's width according to your requirements by specifying the logo width in pixels. However, if you specify a numeric value for the logo width, it will override the default setting.

Logo Height


By default, it's set to 100px. You can set your logo's height according to your requirements.

Button Radius


By default, it's set to zero, which means there's no radius for the buttons. However, you can choose from the dropdown the radius you want for the CTA (Call to Action) buttons for each Perkswall tile.

Perkswall Background


By default, the background color is white. However, you can insert the hexadecimal color code for your desired color or choose your desired color from the color picker.

Button Background


The background color of the Button in the Offer tile (in hex code). You can insert the hexadecimal color code for your desired color or choose your desired color from the color picker.

Button Text


The color of the Button text color in Offer tile (in hex code). You can insert the hexadecimal color code for your desired color or choose your desired color from the color picker.

Button Hover


By default, there's no color when hovering over the CTA button. This setting specifies the Button hover color in the Offer tile (in hex code).

Button Stroke


By default, there's no button stroke color, but you can specify the button stroke color in the Offer tile using a hexadecimal code.

Tile Radius


By default, there's no tile radius, but with this setting, you can select from the dropdown the tile radius.

Border Thickness


By default, the border thickness is set to 1 pixel, but you can change the thickness of the border from the dropdown.

Tile Background


By default, it's '#FFFFFF', but you have the flexibility to change the background color of the individual Offer tiles by inserting the hexadecimal color code for your desired color or choosing your desired color from the color picker.

Tile Border


By default, it's set to "#FFFFFF", but you have the flexibility to add this setting and change the color of individual Offer tile borders.

Tile Background Hover


By default, there's no tile background hover. This setting specifies the color which appears when you hover over an individual Offer tile. You can insert the hexadecimal color code for your desired color or choose your desired color from the color picker.

Show Intermediate


By default, this option is disabled, but you can choose from the dropdown. Selecting Modal (takes 60% of the screen) or Interstitial (takes 90% of the screen) will show an intermediate screen when clicked on an Offer in Perkswall.

Font Family


The default value is "inter" font family, but this setting allows the user to select a preset font for the Offer's description text.

Custom Code before </head> Tag


Add custom JavaScript code inside the Perkswall head tag. This code executes during the document's loading phase before the page's content is displayed to the user.

Custom Code before </body> Tag


Add custom javascript code inside the Perkswall body tag, Placing code here ensures that the page's HTML content is fully loaded before the scripts are executed