Direct Offers

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Direct Offers enable publishers to directly select individual Offers for promotion on their website, app, or via email campaigns. Any Offer provisioned to your account can be utilized as a Direct Offer. When users click on Direct Offers, they are redirected straight to the advertiser's website.

Some Direct Offers have LoyaltyBoost, meaning users can get rewards within your app/website for completing the Offer. Learn more about LoyaltyBoost (Rewarded Offers)

Obtaining Direct Offers

You can get Direct Offers in two ways:

  1. Publisher Dashboard: It lets you pick Offers manually.
  2. Offer Catalog API: Allows you to get all active Offers programmatically.

Continue reading to learn how to select Offers via our Dashboard or explore the Offer Catalog API.

Running Direct Offers

To run a Direct Offer, you'll typically need the following associated items:

  • Copy: Content for your Offers.
  • Creatives: Visual assets to complement your Offers.
  • Tracking Link: Link to track user interactions with the Offer.

To obtain these details, log into the Publisher Dashboard and navigate to Offers from the side menu. Locate the Offer you would like to run as a Direct Offer.

Offer Copy

To obtain a copy for your Offers:

  1. Select the three-dot menu for the desired Offer.
  2. Choose "Details" to navigate to the Offer Details screen.
  3. Collect the copy to run in your Offers.


To select creatives for your Offers:

  1. Select the three-dot menu for the desired Offer.
  2. Choose "Creatives" to navigate to the Offer Creatives screen.
  3. Select the creatives to accompany the copy for your Offers.

Tracking Link

To copy the tracking link:

  1. Select the three-dot menu for the desired Offer.
  2. Choose "Copy Tracking Link" to copy the tracking link to your clipboard.
Tracking Link Example

You can pass any extra payload information into a Direct Offer tracking link.

Learn more about how to Passing Payload Values. This information is passed back to a Postback URL if configured. Learn more about Handling Postback Events.

Running Direct Offers (LoyaltyBoost)

LoyaltyBoost Offers rewards to users for engaging with them. They operate similarly to Direct Offers, as described above, with one crucial difference: you must pass a user-identifying attribute in the payload. This ensures that when you receive a postback, the payload object includes this attribute (and any others) you supplied when trafficking the Offer.

In the following example, the user_id parameter appended to the standard link contains a value identifying the user who will receive the reward.

Example of a direct Offer link with a user_id attribute and corresponding value

Upon conversion, the postback URL will receive the user_id in the form of a GET "macro" as {user_id} and also exist in the POST data. More information about LoyaltyBoost Offers and postbacks can be found here.

Downloading Offer Data

We offer you the option to download your Offer data directly to your device. The downloaded data includes:



Advertiser Name

The name of the company or individual behind the Offer.

Offer Name

The name of the Offer used for identification.

Offer ID

A unique identifier for the Offer.

Click URL

The link users are directed to when interacting with the Offer.


Text displayed on the positive call-to-action button.


Text displayed on the negative call-to-action button.


Detailed explanation of the Offer.

Short Description

A concise overview of the Offer.


The main headline of the Offer.

Short Headline

A shorter version of the headline for use in smaller formats.

Images & Creatives URLs

URLs pointing to images or creatives associated with the Offer.


Parameters specifying the target audience for the Offer, including platforms, operating systems, and browsers.

All Active/Running Offers Data

From the dashboard, You can easily download all your active/running Offers data with just one click. Simply follow these steps in the following demo:

Individual Offer Data

From the dashboard, you can download data for a particular Offer to your device in either JSON or CSV format. Simply follow these steps in the following demo:


📢 If you're running into any issues while going through the integration process, feel free to contact us at [email protected].