Moments API

The Moments API (previously Native Ads API) allows publishers to easily integrate Offers within their app or website using any language that supports the ability to make RESTful calls.


The typical flow to generate and serve Offers is as follows:

  1. Make a Fetch Offers API call to AdsPostX to retrieve Offers
  2. Parse the response and display Offers in the desired fashion
  3. Ensure that beacon URLs fire on sequence and Offer impression loads.

Fetch Offers

Method: POST Base URL: https://api.adspostx.com/native/v2/offers.json

Header Parameters





Content-Type required

Should be application/json



Query Parameters





api_key required

Your API Key. Obtain your API Key Required Permission: Ads/Offers



loyaltyboost optional

Include LoyaltyBoost offers in response; Values: 0 = None 1 = True 2 = Only



creative optional

Returns Offers with at least one creative (image) if set to true.



Body Parameters





ua recommended

The User-Agent of the end-user required for proper targeting. If proxying requests via a server call, be sure to pass through the User-Agent of the end-user.


Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/120.0.6099.43 Mobile Safari/537.36

ip recommended

IP address of the end user to be passed through. Used for targeting.


adpx_fp recommended

A unique identifier for the end user; Not required but highly recommended. More information can be found below.


dev optional

Returns a test response. Ignores geo restrictions. No activity is recorded.



<string> optional

Custom Key-Value payload attributes. You can add any number of custom key-value payload attributes to the payload that you want to use to add additional details. All payload attributes are passed back on conversion reports and can be reported on in relation to impression and clicks.


membershipID: "A45GRE987343PKD"

The adpx_fp attribute in the body of the Fetch Offers call is a special parameter that aids in overall Offer performance. It should be populated with a unique end-user identifier as an alpha-numeric string. AdsPostX uses the adpx_fp value to frequency cap Offers on a unique user basis as well as exclude Offers from showing again when a user opts-out for a certain Offer.

Note that the number of Offers is controlled by the Configuration Settings in your publisher dashboard. Log into your dashboard, click on Settings -> Configuration from the side menu and then select the number of Offers you would like to have returned.

The Response Body

Upon a successful response from the Fetch Offers API request, the body of the reponse will include a data object that contains an array of objects that can be used to construct your Offers.

Sample Response

Response Example

Response Parameters

Upon making an API call, the following attributes are returned in the response to construct your Offers with.

offers array of offer objects

Contains the copy, creatives, and resources to construct each Offer. Each offer object has the following attributes:

offer Attributes

offers[].title string recommended to implement for larger formats

The title of the Offer. To be used to construct the headline of the Offer. Maximum length: 90 characters.

offers[].advertiser_name string

The name of the advertiser offering the Offer.

offers[].description string recommended to implement for larger formats

The description of the Offer. Maximum length: 220 characters.

offers[].click_url URL required to implement

URL the Offer should direct to.

offers[].image URL recommended to implement

URL for the Offer's primary image.

offers[].mini_text string recommended to implement

Additional sub description for the Offer. Used for disclaimers. Maximum length: 160 characters.

offers[].pixel URL required to implement

The Impression Beacon URL to be fired when the Offer is displayed to the user for impression tracking. A successful GET call to the pixel URL is required to successfully record delivery on the AdsPostX Dashboard.

offers[].cta_yes string recommended to implement

Suggested copy for implementing a postitive CTA button for the User to accept the Offer. Maximum length: 25 characters.

offers[].cta_no string recommended to implement

Suggested copy for implementing a negative CTA button for the User to reject an Offer. Maximum length: 25 characters.

offers[].adv_pixel_url URL required to implement if available

Advertiser may provide their own impression tracking URL, fire this along with the pixel Impression Beacon URL. A successful GET call to adv_pixel_url is required.

offers[].beacons object

Contains beacon URLs for a variety of actions. The beacons object contains the following attributes:






To be fired when closer closes the Offer container or when the user has browsed through all available Offers. For reporting purposes. A successful GET call to beacons.close is required if implemented. recommended to implement if Offers are presented in a dismissable container



To be fired when user clicks the Negative CTA element. For reporting purposes. A successful GET call to beacons.no_thanks_clicks is required if implemented. recommended to implement if a negative CTA is implemented

offers[].creatives array of creative objects

Contains additional creative images that can be used to construct the Offers unit. Each creative object contains the following attributes






URL location for the creative.



Height of the image in pixels.



Width of the image in pixels.



File type of the image.



Indicates whether the image is primary or not.



The aspect ratio of the image.

  • a value of 1 = square image
  • a value < 1 signifies generally portrait
  • a value > 1 signifies generally landscape

offers[].short_description string recommended to implement for smaller formats

Alternative shorter text to use for the Offer's description if the context of the Offer is in a smaller format like on mobile or if you're implementing the Offer in a smaller element. Maximum length: 140 characters.

offers[].short_headline string recommended to implement for smaller formats

Alternative shorter text to use for the Offer's headline if the context of the Offer is in a smaller format like on mobile or if you're implementing the Offer in a smaller element. Maximum length: 60 characters.

offers[].is_loyaltyboost boolean

Indicates if an Offer is eligible to be used in an incentive manner.

offers[].loyaltyboost_requirements string

Specifies the requirements for a LoyaltyBoost Offer. It outlines the actions for which rewards will be granted to users. These requirements define the criteria that the user must meet to qualify for rewards associated with the LoyaltyBoost Offer. Maximum length: 160 characters.

count integer

Number of Offers returned from the call.

privacy_url URL recommended to implement

URL to AdsPostX's current end user privacy policy page.

Parsing the Response and Displaying Offers

Upon a successful response from the Fetch Offer's API request, generate Offers using the Offer fragments provided for each returned Offer.

Remember to implement impression tracking using the pixel attribute for each displayed Offer. A successful GET call to the Pixel URL is required to successfully record delivery on the AdsPostX Dashboard.

This allows AdsPostX to:

  • Accurately calculate and present performance statistics such as click-through rate (CTR), eCPM and other metrics.
  • Use performance data to optimize ad delivery on future traffic.
  1. Generate and display first Offer using the fragments of the Offer returned in the response.
  2. Implement the Impression Beacon URL (pixel) for the first Offer
  3. If user engages with the negative call-to-action, implement the Negative CTA Beacon URL (no_thanks_click)
  4. Render the second Offer (and implement the Impression Beacon URL for this Offer)
  5. Continue through the sequence based on user engagement

Using Creatives

When retrieving Offer, we provide a creatives attribute with each returned Offer, which lists creatives available for use in your Offers.

Included with each creative is an is_primary boolean attribute. You can use any of the creatives available depending on the platform you are rendering or default to the primary creative if you are unsure.

The Moments API also supports on-the-fly image transformations: by simply adding the query parameter "width=XXX" into the image url (replace XXX with a suitable integer value for width, depending on the device resolution). The query parameters "height=XXX" or "?aspect_ratio=X:Y" are also available as on-the-fly image processing directives on images.

We also provide an aspect_ratio attribute for each creative which can be helpful in selecting an image for the Offer.

An aspect_ratio with:

  • a value of 1 = square image
  • a value < 1 signifies generally portrait
  • a value > 1 signifies generally landscape

Implementing Event Beacons

In addition to tracking impressions, the Offers response also provides a beacons object, containing the tracking URLs for events no_thanks_click (to be fired when user clicks the Negative CTA element) and close (to be fired when user closes the Offer container or when the user has browsed through all the available Offers).