Frequently Asked Questions

AdsPostX is now MomentScience! 🎉

We have rebranded AdsPostX to MomentScience. All the latest documentation and updates can now be found at MomentScience Documentation.

Here are some commonly asked questions that may provide answers as you integrate AdsPostX with your website. If you do not see an answer to your question, contact us and we'll be in touch.

How do I find my SDK ID?

Follow this demo to find your SDK ID in the AdsPostX dashboard.

Is the integration code mobile-responsive?

AdsPostX placements are designed to be mobile-responsive such that no extra work is necessary to ensure that offers load correctly whether your customers are on desktop, tablets or mobile devices.

What is the minimum required customer data needed to pass into the integration code?

No customer data is required for the AdsPostX unit to function. However, we strongly suggest passing in as many payload parameters to both create the best user experience as well as optimize for the highest revenue yield.

I don't see an SDK for the platform I need. What should I do?

Contact us! We are always building SDKs to support new platforms.